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Subtle Quanity Makes For Golden Quality

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The funny thing about Anderson East is many publications and music critics consider him soley a Country musician. Yes Anderson grew up in Alabama and even is the grandson of a Baptist preacher. However, it may be these things that have genre identified this talented young musician. Anderson East debuted the debut album 'Delilah' throwing all of us for a loop with his vocal presence which conducts a strong hold on even those that are against listening to Country music. Take the track 'Quit You' for instance, the track develops as a solid ode to a quality of music over a quanity of featuring acts.

It is safe to say that 2016 is the year where RnB of a Southern nature can take the reigns for a bit. Anderson East mingled an Americana Soul warmth throughout the few minutes of 'Quit You'. Even if their is s subtle sensation from the highs and lows of the album, 'Quit You' somehow brands Anderson's stage presence without ever seeing a picture of him. As they say some musicians are born to perform, Anderson East easily has the cat in the bag with that ideaology.

No doubt that 'Quit You' counter holds the feel good vibrations, yet the song questions why it is impossible to move on. Nevertheless 'Quit You' will or already has become that repeated song playing aloud on many lovers afflictions. Anderson East may just be the antidote for those bundle of loved up feelings.
