Shawnee Kilgore
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Shawnee Kilgore Goes Back to Eden

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Back in 2014, Shawnee launched her Kickstarter campaign. In her video (a tribute to Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues), she held up a card that said "I'm learning to ask for help." This honest phrase struck a chord for a music fan scrolling through Kickstarter projects on his rare off time -- A music fan who just happened to be one of Hollywood's most prominent directors -- Joss Whedon.  (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Avengers)


Joss loved Shawnee's music and voice, and backed her Kickstarter.

After the campaign ended and Kilgore was working on his reward - a personalized song written for him, he emailed to ask if she would be interested in working on a co-write with him.  Their single “Big Giant Me" came as the result and they went on to create Back to Eden, their new EP. Recorded at Ocean Studios in Burbank, CA, it features an all-star crew of supporting musicians, including Nickel Creek's Sara Watkins on fiddle and backing vocals. Whedon wrote a large portion of the lyrics, and Kilgore wrote the majority of the music.


The “Back To Eden” shoot marked the first independent production to have ever used this camera, (In other words, this is the first time this camera has been used for less than a $100,000,000 production.) and it’s Joss Whedon’s music video debut.
