Rhett May
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Rhett May Releases Hit New Video Creatures of the Night on Youtube

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Rhett May has recently released a masterpiece of a rock album titled “Creatures of the Night.” May is a veteran of rock and roll and has been playing in bands for forty years now. His recently released album is an incredible collection of tunes that is an intelligently designed and expertly executed. The cohesive work plays almost as one continuous piece that the listener can listen to straight through. The first song on the album titled “Somebody’s Watching You” is a great example of Rhett taking his time building into the peak of a song using expertly written guitar lines that repeat but don’t get old. His lyrics are engaging and the song grooves into an incredible finish.


Rhett also released a video for the title track of the album, “Creatures of the Night,” that is outstanding. The video takes the viewer through a visual journey as well as a musical one and has a twist at the end that you won’t want to miss. You can watch the video on his YouTube channel.


If you want to check more out of Rhett May’s music, he has a FREE DOWNLOAD up on Noisetrade of “Lexxi May”. If you love end up loving both of these tunes, then head to iTunes to get yourself a copy of the album.


Keep up with Rhett check out his Facebook, Twitter and ReverbNation or discover more through his official website at www.RhettMay.com.
