NEW (Deluxe Edition)
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Paul McCartney’s Still Got It With New

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Paul McCartney has been a very bright light for years now with the Beatles, with Wings, and then on his own in a solo career. New highlights some of his most creative work yet. McCartney has often said in interviews that he refuses to retire. He has also said that he just likes making music. As a part of his life. It is his life. No one can argue with that. There are some very fascinating gems and jams on this album, starting with the title track and “Alligator.” The humorous “On My Way to Work” displays McCartney's story songwriting. “Hosanna” is anthem in E flat minor that talks about the long lost love and how he and she can do whatever they want. That this long-lost love who is captivated him is taking him in for the long haul. “New” is the song that harkens back to his “Sergeant Pepper” days. It sounds like “Fixing A Hole,” complete with the harpsichord and in pianos in the background that are playing in a swinging four- four style rhythm.

I am surprised how McCartney's voices held up on this album, speaking to the fact that he's been singing for over 50 years. His legacy continues on this album. “Queenie Eye” is a lovely play on words based on a child's game that they used to play Liverpool. “I Can Bet” is a fabulous rock n roll gem, almost to the style of alternative rock'n roll. It's one of those songs that could be on the radio that you listen to his you're going home. It's a fabulous dance rock'n roll number. “Looking At Her” is it spooky number that turns out to be a great love song in the end. Paul McCartney uses a different voice for this one. It's his soft voice. McCartney is known for using different styles of singing in different songs and this soft Voice is perfect for the song. There are other songs on the album that he uses it more straightforward rock'n roll voice, almost screaming, but there are others where he calms down a bit. I love the range of emotions on this album. His energy still shines. His energy continues to inspire me and other people to continue creating music. “Everybody Out There” sounds like a called action. To me, it is a classic McCartneyism. In it, he's calling for what he's always called for an most of his music—love, peace, unity, respect. This album may not grow to your pallet on the first listen, but give it time. By the third listen, you'll be dancing and singing along with him.

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