Jackie Paladino
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Jackie Paladino Shares Rescue Me

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Jackie Paladino brings a stunning song to the table in the form of "Rescue Me." Channeling a topic that hits close to home with the young songstress,  she pens a song that will open not only the ears, but the eyes of many listeners as well. "Rescue Me," deals with the struggles of an eating disorder, which comes from a very personal place for Paladino. Chronicling the story throughout we hear the musician bring to life a topic that not many bring to the spotlight.  Her vocals and heaven-sent lyricism captivate as she makes you feel you are not alone in the world, no matter what you're going through at the time. Eagerly we await a video from Jackie for "Rescue Me" by the end of this year, as her heavy topics provide a breath of fresh air.


Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/jackiepaladino/rescue-me-1
