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Baby Woodrose - Freedom

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The well-known Danish psychedelic rock/stoner rock band Baby Woodrose recently came out with a new album. The album is titled ''Freedom'', and as is usually the case with these reliable Danes, then the album packs some fine and very catchy no-nonsense psychedelic rock. Thus it can be said the album follows the same path as their previous albums like ''Blows Your Mind!'' and ''Third Eye Surgery'', as well as everything between these fine albums.

The album starts of with a track titled ''Reality'' and this track is all about some out-of-this-world captivating and highly addictive heavy psych. The same exact thing can be said about the following track ''21st Century Slave'' as well. The track packs a memorable forward propelling bassline along with some fitting vocals, and some mesmerizing fuzzy guitars. The third track ''Open Doors'' on the other hand packs some danceable rhythm patterns, while the fourth track moves back into some fine psychedelia that somewhat reminds U.S. Christmas in parts, as well as packing some far-out solos. The fifth track works more as an acoustic interlude, while the title track ''Freedom'' moves back to the addictive realm of fuzzy guitar sounds. The same kind of words could also fit the last three tracks, with some of them packing some Hawkwindish space rock moments as well.

All in all ''Freedom'' is a really solid psychedelic rock/stoner rock album, and tends to be quite memorable and catchy from start to finish, and this is really what Baby Woodrose are known for. Be sure to check this album out.

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