Elastic No-No Band
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Non Band

Artist reviewed by:

Nervous Dancing

I am dancing like an asshole; dancing like a freak. But not one of those freaks you love to see on TV; I am dancing like a freak you will never enjoy watching. Though it looks really funny but there is a lot of lust and insanity in each of my moves. I move like madness. I draw something sacred in the air – some creepy and intricate signs and diagrams. Tremendous piles of my drawings fall on a dance floor – everybody starts screaming. My own private scream queens and scream princes. What do these diagrams mean? I’m not quite sure if I can explain it without any loss of meaning. In fact, I am not sure if I do understand the meaning myself.

These images and signs are like some weird directives being put straight into my head by a wicked and powerful music I’m listening to. I cannot turn it off; I can’t do anything about it. I’m just listening to these sharp sounds: a mix of post punk, no wave, nervous vocals and improvising sax. All this sounds frightening and funny at the same time. I feel like a zombie samurai. I feel like I need to find my geisha and start some ritual. We’ve got to dance. We must dance. We can’t stop. I want to kiss her eyes and suck her thoughts. I don’t want this music to stop.

This sound code, this musical key and a piece of magic is called Non Band - an experimental Japanese band from the 80s playing new wave, post punk and jazzy experiments. Mysterious sounds making anyone dance like a weirdo and love like a psycho. You’d better find their self-titled LP released in 1982. Find it and never lose. Find it and lose yourself.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/Non+Band

Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/artist/472812-Non-Band
