The song “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” was written by Bob Dylan in 1962, recorded on November 14 that year, and released on the 1963 album The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and as a single. The song carries a beautiful melody made up of a single guitar and voice. That is the beauty of Dylan, he can create great music with only a harmonica, guitar, and an honest voice. I believe that what makes Dylan so unique is his magical lyrics. They aren’t similar to any other artist, they were creative and original. He was able to just take the situation that he was currently experiencing and turn into a song, people were able to relate to this.

After listening to this song for a while I was able to really dig deep into the lyrics and think about what Dylan was trying to communicate to his audience. Throughout the song he is explaining a certain relationship he experienced with this girl (Suze). I think this song can sum up all the feelings of resentment felt by anyone and everyone who has every listened with their heart and not just their ears.
He loves her so much, but the relationship just isn't working out. She won't commit. She won't call out his name, turn on her light, et cetera. He really loves her, but she wasted his time, she wouldn't take what he could give but only wanted what he couldn't give. He wants to stay, and he wants her to be able to commit so that he can, but she won't. He says the really hard stuff in here. Even though he loves her, he's willing to tell her that she really screwed up a good thing. But maybe it’s more than that, maybe it’s a mutual break away? However one is able to interpret it, it stand as one of Dylan’s greatest hits.