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Föllakzoid - III

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The renowned Chilean kraut/psychedelic rock band Föllakzoid released their new laconically titled album III earlier this year. Föllakzoid have come from relative Chilean obscurity in the last half a decade, and have in turn become one of the more interesting kraut infused psychedelic rock bands currently out there. Föllakzoid are known for dwelling in the minimalistic and highly repetitive kraut and space rock structures for the most part, and this new album is no exception to this rule. They are the masters of near-danceable drum patterns, mixing of electronic music aspects and psychedelic transcendence.

III starts off with a very minmalistic krautrock track titled Electric. The drums and the bassline on this track are extremely hypnotizing in their determined danceable reptetition, and work ever so well in a live setting together with the distorten fuzzy guitars that blow ones mind. The same can really be said about the second track titled Earth, which however features some heavier psychedelic noise rock parts with some heavy distorted guitars crashing in to this dark space rock repetition in parts. The third track is a bit different in its structure and features a heavier and almost doomy bassline, but still in a krautrock key. The last track Feuerzeug is similar to the first two tracks and packs sime fine soundtrack for wandering around the night time Atacama desert. The whole album suits for night time desert wandering in the Chilean Atacama.

III from Föllakzoid is surely one of the best psychedelic rock releases of 2015 and that is why it has been released by the respected Sacred Bones Records as well. Worth checking out for sure. And the album is even more interesting since it also skillfully mixes in some electronic music elements to this minimalistic krautrock.

Some useful links:

Bandcamp: https://follakzoid.bandcamp.com/album/iii

Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/2144202-F%C3%B6llakzoid
