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The Telewire

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“Don’t look back because you never look ahead you’re going down”

One more special project is coming right for your ears, hearts and souls. Yes, it is special to me, too. And I’ve discovered this project in winter, what a surprise! It was last winter when I heard The Telewire’s songs, knowing something really interesting was waiting for me there. And I’ve found cosmic rock treasure. It happens pretty often to me: I see a band name, the name of songs, I imagine what to expect and then I find out that all the things match. Finding such a pure and dreamy record in January, when there is a dark, beautiful night outside with the clear full moon is something gorgeous about this life.

The Telewire is so dreamy that dreams might dream Telewire’s songs. “Going Down” is one of my favorite ones. Somehow this track contains everything I need to feel right without getting tired of repeated listening to it. “Going Down” is a kind of anthem, but no pathos or some stupid crap you will find in it. It sounds like you’ve fallen in love and now both of you want to escape from this planet and get lost in space just because your love is too big and it’s better to share it from outer space. The point is: don’t you ever look back! So simple and so right.

The Telewire is a one man band. A guy named Stephen Thurman lives in Austin and creates cosmic music that sounds like if Texas was located in space. And all the people out there would be dreamful lovers, taking air baths of slow joys, not knowing what gravity is. I think this is what The Telewire is. So glad there is music like this in this world. So glad I’ve found these sounds almost a year ago, and I was listening to “Going Down” on my way to the special city to meet my special someone. So glad.

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