Kwame Binea
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Rock Review: Kwame Binea-Shakedown EP

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Shakedown EP CoverKwame Binea’s debut Shakedown EP gives potential listeners a chance to focus in on a positive message backed by great music.

The first track “Let Go” features a driving back beat, stinging guitar leads punctuated by a horn section and the deeply emotive and rich vocal tones of Binea. This kicks things off on an upbeat note and the rest of the tracks follow that lead.

There are trumpets, saxophones, and background vocals to compliment the lead singer but it’s the conglomeration of it all together that makes all the musical magic happen.

“Hang On” is very similar in tone as the first track and it has parts that really rocks with leads from the guitar that cut like a razors edge. Binea sings “Hang on little brother, save your soul.” This track moves along like a locomotive down the tracks and it never lets up for a second. I like the momentum that carried over from the first track over into this one.

“Little Lady” changes the pace and approach. The driving horns and complimentary background vocals are there. Binea’s vocals are softer for the musical backdrop and it works very well. It sounds appropriate for a pop hit on the radio while the first two tracks could fit anywhere as well, they just rocked along harder. This one shows that the band is not only talented but versatile when they decide to take that route.

“Waiting” rounds out the EP and closes the curtain on this nice taste of the Kwame Binea presentation. This track starts off with a nice acoustic guitar and smooth vocals and beautiful background vocals for an extra texture. After about a minute the pace picks up with the instrumentation and the vocals just ride on that wave perfectly. Then everything begins to come to apex and blend together with a punctuation point. It is a nice way to end the EP.

The Shakedown EP is an excellent introduction to an emerging artist to keep an eye on. All the talent is in place to go back into the studio and create a fantastic full length album now. I am certain when that arrives it will be impressive.

4/5 Stars

Key Tracks: Let Go, Waiting Tracks: 1. Let Go2. Hang On3. Little Lady4. Waiting 

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-Write A Music Review Founder

July 16, 2015

Review Provided By Write A Music
