Dress To Impress
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Keith impresses

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Even though it's September and the summer is actually coming to an end soon, we're enjoying some really nice hot temperatures, at the moment. Unfortunately, it doesn't cool off at night and we're not a country that's fully climate controlled everywhere. So, last night, while I was having trouble sleeping, I do what I always do: Listen to music.

It's at those times that I'm used to turn to slow R&B jams. It's not intended as an insult, but it helps me fall asleep. It's not that the music is dull, but the harmonies just me you on a drift and it helps that most songs are love songs to dream away with. This made me think of an artist, I recently blogged about, whose single I described as something similar.

Keith Sweat has, since, released his full album, so it was a great chance to give it a try. The album is called "Dressed To Impress" and continues with the sound that lead single "Good Love" had initiated. It's got influences of classic soul from various eras.

Again, I have to admit that I've found Keith's vocals to sound pretty soothing on this album, whereas before I didn't always like his voice, due to his nasal and squeezed sound. But, I won't elaborate on this any further, because I'd already done so in my previous blog about him.

Keith has called in the help of other R&B big shots from way back when. Dru HIll and Silk are featured on the album. With the additional vocals of a group behind him, the tracks sound so much fuller in vocals (obviously, duh!), but it just shows he's on to something there. Maybe a duets album will be an idea for a follow up album.

Even though, I'm not Dru Hill's biggest fan, their track with Keith Sweat is one of my favorites on the album, as well as the up beat "Give You All Of Me", which is bound to cheer you up. Altogether, I think the first half of the album contains the best, but along the way it all starts to sound the same, which by the way is fine when you're trying to fall asleep and luckily, for any other time, I like this sound altogether. So, definitely an album that I'd recommend to R&B fans like me.

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