RiRi broke all the walls, bit every vain, stung beastly with her high-pitched vocal sting and now every inch of the air we breathe is dangerously contageous and critically unstable for our appliance of doubt... Latest movie upgrade of the Universally popular "Star Track Saga" is just around the last corner of July and our Bada$$ RiRi made sure you don`t miss a glitch. Globally premiered today on her Official You Tube channel, the view counter is already close to 5k hits, as that is suppose to be weird, well no one can trully stop this girl from being the best and most extraordinairy artistic black bird that she can, an extremelly rare breed of passionate piloting renditioner.

Coming up slow and introducing us to the sotry of the notorious skys, songstress patiently and carefully continues the instroduction with the most sensitive words sung from her lower cords, yet it gives a listener completelly different feel, the feeling of a broken-hearted soul whos in recovery/confession like state, turning her weak sopts into strenght, confidence and distinctive power of a life fighter. Then it transends into this soft blooming flower mode saying the words "You`re just another brick and I`m a sledgehammer", the most compelling chorus I`ve heard in a while, where Rihanna intelligently turns them up a notch by this amazingly soft R in the first "sledgehammer hook", actually some sort of post-hook or post-chorus if you care about the professional technique manners, twisting the concrete hammer word into a silk singing tail... Pay really close atention to the way she sings the chorus and you`ll notice the amazement instantly.
Standing alone on seemingly her own planet, Bad Girl wears the red off her hotness. Stunning performance visual and emotional. Go RiRi!