Sitting here in such an excitement and, at the same time, slight bump on my mind, trying to figure out the reason why are many of such an autstanding artists, like this girl right here, in such a dark light when the big sceene is up in the air... I rest assure that she is just one out of a million other music industry victims, to be as harsh as I can expressing, who had to strive to her core just to touch the outside linings of the industry covers, besides already contributing so much. This brave little tomboy never knew about settling for less, taking up on her dream visions and strong faith to distance herself from home of Africa and jump into the grounds of US soil, struggling through different jobs and a modeling career, and eventually quitting to pursue only pure passion no matter the cost, which finally payed of so to speak.
She made it on the side of a songwriter for prominent names like Rihanna, Britney Spears, Sevyn Streeter and others, which gave her a good swing on the notable scale, but still, she is just a morning air everybodys got used to and therefore don`t stop to actually breathe it fully lunged. You have to be a deep, passionate enthusiast to have heard about Candice Pillay. As one of the aggravated zealous musician whos been in this urban culture for over 23 years, I mightly rise to the defence of this gigantic artistic soulful bird and her resolute heights.

Since I`ve been waiting so patiently for so long for her to finish the climbing of this heavy stairs, I can only say it has payed off, every minute of it. Joining at last the influental campaign,"Interscope Records", Pillay brought us a hefty treasure from her deep emotional sea. "The High" EP shines on so many divergent frequencies, combining different genre elements into a new rule book of RnB/Soul, surrounded by shimmering back samples and distance vocals, beautifully arranged in five song projects, with striving electrical synths and catchy toms, leads and pads, the final conclusion of first impressions are highly anything but close to down. There`s romantic confession in "Fall In Love", the first single of the EP, that reflects on the past as well on the present feelings, the "Lost Without You" gem, an RnB Anthem formed of memorable swaggy repeated hook with slices of dance like verses, followed by most popular and most catchy one "Lies", with unforgettable finest hook, the second best comercialised "Party 4 Da Low" fading in coolnes of the vibes, and the last on the tracklist, finishing touch and excellent pick for the outro of the project, "Drinking Of You", talking about the attempt to forget that special one... In one way, I can agree with Dr. Dre comparison of Pillay with Kendrick (Lamar), she definitely holds that tone...
Candice is one of my favourite female revelations, from the doppest fire "Pick It Up" to "I Wear My Shades" and "Dirty Diana", the Angelic vocal wings are up in the clouds "rAigning" over, multipllying the reys of success and fulfilled outcome into an Iconic Pop over Urban construction vocal imprints. Welcome forth.
Drive by iTunes to cop it asap: