Keeana Kee
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Digging Deep with Keeana Kee

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Keeana Kee is gearing up to be one of the HOTTEST artists this Summer. A series of bangin'  singles this year brings the artist to the spotlight with no signs of slowing down. With one ambitious track after another she brings her essence to life by following her own rules. Recently she released the single "Let's Make Love" to critical acclaim, and in between singles, we caught up with Keeana Kee on the heels of her "You're Real," release. Let's jump in!    


1. What is the inspiration behind the latest single release? Let's dive in shall we?  


My latest Single “You’re Real” was inspired by me returning home to my loved one after a long trip feeling happy and realizing how much it all means to me and how precious it is to have a person that truly loves you.  


2.What made you discover your passion for creating an eclectic blend of your own sound?  


I followed my heart and it took me around the World. The love to islands, hot sun, ocean breeze is what brought those Tropical Vibes into my music. This is what’s moving me, inspire and helps me develop my own sound. I have some special love to Latin Music and Spanish Guitar and always try adding it to my works.  


3. What places in your mind do you channel to craft your songs?  


My heart and soul. There’s a special place in my heart that collects all of my feelings and emotions. And when my soul is screaming out I dive into it to create something that’s unforgettable for me - music. It’s like building a monument for a certain fleeting moment of your life.  


4. What are your favorite venues to perform at? and if you had to choose, do you feel more comfortable in the studio or onstage, and why?  


The most important there is not WHERE I perform, but for WHO. It’s the most magnificent feeling to connect to the listeners, seeing how they relate to your music and how much joy it brings to them. It’s such a blessing to see the eyes of the people that love what they hear.   When I record in the studio, it’s a different type of experience. Thats when I fully connect to myself and dive into that space that only I can see. I’m alone with myself, my thoughts and feelings that I bring to life with my voice, lyrics and melody.      


5. How do you create your songs? What is the process like? Does it take you days, weeks, even longer? How does the perfect piece come together?  


Sometimes the best songs take just minutes to write from the beginning to the end, but other times it can take weeks, months and even longer. As I said it all depends on the mood. Distraction is usually a cause of losing the flow of thoughts that triggered you to write a song at that moment. It may take months till you feel like coming back to it and finishing it.   Usually I would start hearing a melody in my head first, which can happen at any time and I can be preoccupied by absolutely random things. I quickly try to record it on my phone so I don’t loose it and after that I write the lyrics for it.    


6. How did you create a sound throughout time that is so uniquely your own? What defines your sound to you?      


Our music influences are bringing out the best of what we like in ourselves. We always learn from others and there’s nothing bad about it. With time you discover a unique way of using your voice and writing your own music. The more you concentrate on your own taste and stay true to yourself the faster you will discover your originality.    


7. This year is already shaping up to be a huge year for you. What do you hope to accomplish in 2018?  


This June 2018 I just released my most anticipated single “Let’s Make Love”. I will keep performing. And planning to shoot a new music video this year.    


Connect with Keeana Kee:

You're Real on Spotify:

