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Some Motivation to Start Your Day with SYBS

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SYBS charms once again with their new video for "Motivation," which they released late last year. Shared with us ""Motivation" features Coss Marte of ConBody fame- at 19, he was arrested and charged as a kingpin for a drug empire worth over $2 million a year and sentenced to seven years behind bars. While in prison, he lost 70 lbs in six months using only what was in his 9x6 cell and began training other inmates. After his release, he started ConBody, hiring ex-cons to deliver his prison style workout in his NY gym while livestreaming the class. The video also features Reese Scott, who ended a 19 year career as Creative Director for a publishing company to start Women's World of Boxing in 2007 to offer women a safe, comfortable and uplifting environment. Through the sport, she found confidence, developed inner-strength and lost over 70 pounds. She is now a registered Amateur Fighter and Certified, Licensed USA Boxing Coach."


"Motivation" can be found here:

