Lauren Waller
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Lauren Waller Gets Personal

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Lauren Waller is an artist that is creating quite a name for herself as we head into the new year. The latest single "What If," taken from her acclaimed EP, "No Names Here," brings the budding musician to the front of the music world. Her charming lyrics and dreamy music will make you fall in love instantly with Waller as she becomes a prominent force as we head into 2018. Stopping by Kurrent Music for an exclusive interview, we have the honor of chatting with Waller as she breaks into the scene note by note. Let's listen in, shall we?


1. What is the inspiration behind the latest single release, "What If"? 


Broken relationships were the inspiration for “What If”.  The song is about the questions you ask during, and after, a relationship has ended.  There’s a lot of blame in the song. The song was me writing about the blame I’ve felt in my relationships with other people.  It wasn’t about one moment or one person, but about different people, and different relationships that I’ve had.  So it wasn’t just one story or person that inspired me, but a few.   



2.What made you discover your passion for creating an eclectic blend of indie with an edge?  


It’s the kind of music I want to hear.  When I first started writing music, I noticed that I wasn’t writing songs that I would love to listen to. I was told that you don’t always have to write music that you like; however, I didn’t get that—I wanted to write music I was passionate about because that’s what I love to hear, the passion and emotion in the music.  



3. What places in your mind do you channel  to craft your songs? 


I tap in pretty easily to a darker side.  I think writing about “harder” things can be more honest and that’s all I want to do in my writing.  I want to be brutally honest in my music and for me, writing about difficult moments really lets me express myself and channel my creativity.   



4. What are your favorite venues to perform at? and if you had to choose, do you feel more comfortable in the studio or onstage, and why? 



This past summer, I performed at The Hotel Café for the first time.  I had never been in the venue before—they have a 21+ rule, growing up in LA it was always a venue I wanted to go to, but I was never able to go because I was previously underage.  It was really exciting getting to play at the Hotel Café, the place has such a history and so many incredible artists have gone through the venue. As for the studio vs onstage: I love both. I like the creativity of being in the studio, of course being on stage is a little more pressure but I also truly enjoy performing live in front of an audience and connecting with my fans.    



5. How do you create your songs? What is the process like? Does it take you days, weeks, even longer? How does the perfect Lauren Waller piece come together? 




I guess it depends on the song, sometimes, writing them can take only a few hours, other times it is a longer process.  There is one song on my latest EP called “Maybe,” I wrote the first 2 lines of that song and then didn’t touch it for a year and a half. When I’m writing on my own, I usually come up with lyrics and then a melody.  When I’m co-writing, sometimes the melody can come first, or the chords, or the lyrics.  It really is always different for me, which is what I LOVE about writing because it’s spontaneous and challenging, but also exciting.   



6. How did you create a sound throughout time that is so uniquely your own? What defines your sound to you? 



Personally, I think I have a unique voice and that helps in creating my sound. Little things in what I write and how I look at a vocal line allow me to give the songs my own perspective. I always go back to honesty, I want to create something truthful to which people can relate.  During the writing process I wasn’t really thinking, I have to make this new, I have to make this unique; I have to make this different.  I was thinking I want to make something I love that I want to share.  



7. This year is already shaping up to be a huge year for you. What do you hope to accomplish in the remainder of the year? 



I would like to write more music, perform more, and develop myself as an artist.  I am pushing myself to be better, improve, and grow as an artist. I also would like to start creating video for some of my songs.  I’ll be sticking around LA to continue all of these pursuits, so hopefully this city will keep being good to me. 

