Gnarls Barkley
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5 Songs to soundtrack your Black Friday

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Yesterday, I've received several messages from Americans wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving. The messages are very much appreciated, because of the very fact that these people thought of me on that day. But we don't celebrate it ourselves in The Netherlands. It's even one of those holidays and traditions that we don't even have our own version of. Some other traditions, like the trick-or-treating of Halloween, are somewhat adapted and celebrated in a different format, but Thanksgiving somehow didn't make it out here. 

However, many of our retail businesses are now owned by American companies and they have introduced Black Friday as just another reason to draw us to their (online) stores. Even though it's a recent thing to have every big chain of stores mention it in their commercials and social media posts, you can tell that we just don't have the mayhem that we've seen on TV from Black Friday in the States. The extra deals just don't seem to get us running to the stores nor get us fighting over them.  

To me, those images of stores in the States opening with crowds of people flooding in the stores and fighting over things, remind of a various songs. So, these songs could be the soundtrack to your Black Friday shopping spree: 


R Kelly – Thank God It's Friday  

This song should be playing on your ear buds on your way to that one store to get you that deal you want. It's not to get you fired up, but just to get you focused. Besides, the way over to the shop, is the only chill out moment you will have for a while. 

Black Eyed Peas – Let's Get It Started 

You've made, you're there. You're in the crowds and know the route in the store by heart to get to those gifts that are going to make Christmas perfect. Doors open. You're ready. Let's get it started. 

Gnarls Barkley – Crazy 

Because you are now in middle of craziness. 

Madonna – Give It 2 Me 

Just in case you do find yourself in one of those moments where you have to fight over that last item on stock. That very moment you have to reach deep within and be really selfish and say "Give it to me".  

Diddy – Dirty Money – Coming home 

Tired, because it was hard work getting all the stuff you wanted. Happy with what you managed to get, you start making your way home thinking of the holidays ahead. Coming home is playing on your ear buds. 
