Make Me (Cry)
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Drop it like Noah Cyrus

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Even without seeing the name, you can tell by the high cheekbones, the nose, the lips and the eyes that she is the sister of Miley Cyrus. Noah Cyrus, after have done some acting and dancing since 2008, announced the start of a music career, exactly 7 days ago. She had signed a record deal and, immediately, released her first single on that very day. The song is called "Make Me (Cry)". 

Now, a week later, that song has also gotten an official video. I'm so happy to see Labrinth again. He duets Noah on this track. It's been a while since I've seen or heard anything from him. I think I last heard from him about a year ago.  

His voice is so recognizable. But, so is Noah's! It hasn't gone unnoticed that Noah sounds a lot like Miley, in her early days, at certain parts of the song.  

She's only 16, but has grown up in a house full of music. She has been writing songs for herself and others for the longest time, but the only previous music release from her was a song for Disney's animated movie Ponyo, for which she also voiced one of the main characters. 

The video shows Noah and Labrinth separately, with each singing to and about their own partners. They do appear to be the same apartment.   

Noah's vocals have a bit of a depth and darkness to it, which reminds you of Lana Del Rey. I detect a little bit of a country influence from her dad within her timbre in the verses and bridge. The darkness is fitting within the topic of the song, but I feel it gets shed within the chorus.  

The song is about a relationship that appears to only be bringing hurt and the mixed emotions that come with that. Musically, it is build up a long the way and most notable is the original use of the sound of a tear drop to describe the word "cry" at the end of each chorus. 

It's understandable that the song was already well received by both press and music fans, on November 15th when the track was dropped. As is the reach of the first million views of the video in 24 hours after posting it. It is a strong debut that makes you curious to see what's coming. It looks like Noah is the next Cyrus to make it in music.  
