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New Artist Alert - Lowla

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New music is always exciting to me. Especially when it attempts to stretch boundaries and sounds never-heard-before fresh! London based duo "Lowla" scores high on both those points. 

The combined effort of Lara and Lo, "Lowla", just released their first EP "Walls", available on streaming sites and with Digitlal Retailers September 30th onwards. They first hit the radar with a gorgeous bass-driven, 90s inspired track "Reckless" in August. The video - and equally gorgeous effort - is a dead ringer of the VHS era. 



The girls are already displaying a wide range of vocal abilities and styles. Their latest "Those Days are Gone" prove they are not ready to be typecasted in a watertight box of genre-specific style. They are hell bent on experimentation and that is definitely a great thing. 


"Those Days are Gone" is a novel effort which starts off in a downtempo fashion (the name "Low"la also somewhere strikes as a reference to their inclination to use more of downbeat) and takes a phoenix-like shape towards the end of its 4 minute runtime, reaching a climax in a style reminiscent of a certain Florence and The Machine. Even though there are parallels that can stll be drawn, the heady mix of styles in the song itself is as fresh as it could sound. There is a hint of contemporary in the lyrics - and social media references that would definitely catch the attention of the net savvy generation. And, there is a crafty use of spoken word poetry style section that totally gives the song its body. 

Even with their alternative-pop edgings - the blend of music they are targeting at, strings them still far away from the mainstream (and that's a shame). The world can certainly benefit from listening to more of this intoxicating concoction. Here's to hoping for a bright future for the promising duo! 

