However far behind I may be on the essential grace of Skylar Grey, I may be...a concert of Grey's is happening in my area this following weekend and I'll be attending. Skylar Grey has an artist appeal of vastly bizarre and captivating, even if you have not listened fully to her latest album, you will be waiting in line to see Grey perform. A piano creature like Lady Gaga, Skyler Grey has had it songs with Nicki Minaj and Eminem. Fusing a classical composed track with fractions of Hip-Hop, which uses a crossing border so fascinating Grey's songs take flight all on their own.
From a stripped down verse to a rap section featuring Eminem uses 'Kill For You' as this anthem of unjust collateral justice. 'Kill For You' showcases how animalistic nature breaks the surface within our human facade. How one action can spring up a use to kill and infect a vicious cycle, all in part to our primal immortal brains. Even as evolution has progressed, as a human race the primal nature from our ancestors still runs strong. Skylar Grey uses a history based fact within our desires of love, betrayal and blind confused propaganda. Nevertheless 'Kill For You' hasn't seen a whole lot of radio play (at least where I live) 'Kill For You' is a song to listen to with interest. Taking apart of dissecting the factions of lyrical content between truth and personal.