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Simply the whores. Russian girl-band called Factory.

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Ok… so, it was a TV show. It was cold “Star factory”. It was really a nice trick of Russian pop music producers and their breeding sow Alla Pugachova. They had a TV show to make money for a while, and when it was over they’ve got several pop bands to make money. The whole idea was the following. There were some people. Those people were performing songs solo or within bands. Then there were some few winners (so called graduates of the “Star factory”). Now you know the origin of the girl-band called “Factory”. Talking about the songs of this pop-band I can say that they are simple pop songs with some hint of factory and USSR motives. No, it is not a kind of USSR pop music. It is simple modern Russian pop music… but they pretend they are singing old-fashioned songs. I mean there may be some retro melody or clothes worn by those whores (sorry for a rude word, but it seems like these words look good together: “worn by whore”), but it is still modern pop music that has nothing common with those times they pretend they are about. So… it is quite an unusual phenomenon: modern pop band performing modern songs with a hint of the old style. For which purpose it is done? It is obvious: there are lots of Russian people, whose best years were spent in the USSR and they simply admire everything connected to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; it was done to broaden the target audience. Most pop fans are not too fastidious. They look at the cover but never try to see the essence. Pop music producers in Russia know it. So they created such a strange band with cute bodies and faces to attract males, and retro-style music and vocal manner to attract the listeners from other audience categories.      Now let’s talk about the texts of these retro pretenders. The lyrics show that it is a simple pop and nothing more. Also songs with such lyrics were just impossible in the USSR. Here is the translation of one of the most popular song by this band. The Earth goes round and I am twenty years old There is a taxi near the porch and I am going to say you “no” again The airplane took me to the sky again Dear Lyolik, I love you But I am not going to marry you I like to fly You saw me off, hugged and kissed You promised to get the Moon from the sky, if I say you: “Yes” Sorry but I’ve got some business to do. I’ll call you later. Dear Sasha, I love you But I am not going to marry you I want to have a walk Fitness machine, masseur, - there is no need for a boyfriend Feelings are the stress. So if you’ve got some business for me – send me an sms. Dear Pashka, I love you But I am not going to marry you I’ll call you later  
