The Great Unknown
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Sad Rob Thomas

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I believe many expected Rob Thomas to become of the greatest rock stars after Smooth with Santana came out. Well, everything you expect will be used against you. Or against him, in this case. The song that helped Matchboxx Twenty rise to a whole new level left Rob Thomas struggling to become a superstar. His decision to go solo was unusual since Matchboxx Twenty were highly popular during the millennial shift.

What changed? In the first place, Rob’s songs. You have probably heard his name, you knew it was going to be a strong ballade or radiophonic track. What do we have today? Wannabe Bruno Mars. Rob forgot rock. He is into pop and dance now. We have seen rockers trying to assimilate into the pop niche but this is not the case here. It is pathetic to see 43 year old singing aiaijaaaaj and eoeoeo in One Shot. It is a song suitable for One Direction or One Republic. I believe his fans will maybe appreciate The Great Unknown or Pieces that are standard dark ballades we wanted him to do forever. Heaven Help Me vibes Robbie Williams. The rest of the album will be appreciated by Rihanna’s fanbase.

Opening track I Think We’d Feel Good Together is the biggest trash in 2015. Trust You tries to be on youngsters’ iTunes library. Tracks such as Hold On Forever and Wind It Up are simply pain for the ears. I think the point is there. Run away from this album If you want to protect your ears or If you want to protect Rob’s dignity.  Unfortunately, he has become another pop star without personality.
