Fires Within Fires
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Neurosis – Fires Within Fires [Review]

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Neurosis, one of the pioneer bands of the post metal scene is back, bringing another twisted vision of the world, this time packed into a very short album (at least for the band’s standards) consisting of only five songs, spanning just over forty minutes.


Fires Within Fires is one very brief record, managing to present the signature Neurosis sound in an immensely tight package. The short length isn’t a bad thing; if we go few years into the past, to the time when their previous offer came out, Honor Found in Decay, and look at its massive one-hour span filled with unnecessary filler content, we can only praise new record’s humble size. Honor Found in Decay dragged for too long; songs were incoherent and a chore to listen from the beginning to the end. There were some cool moments, ultimately choked by droning parts that weren’t going anywhere.


This time, though, Neurosis delivers one consistent, tightly packed album managing to deliver the best parts of the band in just forty minutes. Every song is a unique journey; every song has its story. From the furious Bending Light and A Shadow Memory, through  atmospheric Fire is the End Lesson, all the way to the progressive sludge jewel dubbed Reach, Fires Within Fires keeps the listener tied up to the chair, letting melodies enter the brain and spawn numerous offspring all over it, making you return to the record, again and again.


Enchanting disharmonies of Bending Light combined with encumbering riffs, along with the twisted intro will get you embrace Neurosis like never before. The album is filled with Steve Von Till’s tortured vocals; he shines this time; just embracing the music, letting words shine from him, giving Fires Within Fires a certain distressed halo. The riffs are incredibly catchy, not a common thing to see in this genre. Every song is filled with remarkable moments that just pile one on top another. Just listen to the chorus of Bending Light. Fire is the End Lesson is more in-your-face, brimming with energy and memorable melodies, with a phenomenal mid part of the song.


Lyrics are sick, twisted, depressive, melancholic, and thought-provoking. Electronic samples are occasionally used just to enhance the guitar sound and to pump up the atmosphere. The second part of the album puts the foot on the brake, delivering two masterfully crafted compositions, Broken Ground and Reach; two songs where Neurosis shows all of its post-metal qualities. Reach is especially enjoyable, spanning over ten minutes, filled with overarching parts that explode in the end, shining with dark energy. Overall, Fires Within Fires is one of the best Neurosis records ever. Tightly packed compositions keep the attention locked, never allowing for a moment of stillness. Highly recommended.

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