Los Amigos Invisibles
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The departure of Mauricio Arcas did not surprise me

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For more than three years Mauricio Arcas, whom everyone knows as Maurimixxx, had told his groupmates to be exhausted from the work of Los Amigos Invisibles, a group he joined in 1992.

Those who follow the band through social networks, usually see photographs of concerts and announcements of upcoming presentations. It is normal to happen in a group that lives from each show, especially when it has to move mainly in markets as competitive as the American and Mexican.

In 2014 the percussionist took a break, before returning to the routine of the tours and the studio to record El Paradise , the disc they released this year. But this week, it was learned that Arcas definitely left the set.

Three years ago Los Amigos Invisibles left guitarist José Luis "Cheo" Pardo and keyboard player Armando Figueredo, decisions that surprised and hurt the most loyal followers of the band. That departure was significant, especially for the departure of Pardo, who along with Arcas, was the pair that composed the majority of the songs of the group, including several successes.

If we take as an example the album Arepa 3000 , one of its classics, the pair of authors signed together 9 of the 19 tracks of the album. Pardo, solo, is responsible for 4 and Arcas 1. In Commercial , winner of the Latin Grammy, both wrote 7 of the 17, while Pardo has only 8 credits and Arcas in this production always worked together with the guitarist. Of Pardo and Arca are "Lies", "Crazy for your love", "Dulce", "The neighbor", "Police woman", among others.

Now, in Paradise, without Pardo in the lineup, one could expect Arcas' greater participation in the composition of pieces once he returned to the group after the requested pause, but this did not happen. In the new album, he just composed a song, called "Contigo", by the way, one of the best of the recording. The others, run on account of Julio Briceño, role that had exerted to a lesser extent in the past, as well as of José "Catire" Torres, Juan Roura, who had not contributed much in this aspect before. There is also participation of new members Daniel Saa and Agustín Espina.

Then, it is understood that there was a weariness, an urge to not follow and the consequent decision to abandon forever the Invisible Friends.

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