Hector Molina
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Héctor Molina decides to go solo

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The four-time Merida Héctor Molina is now released as soloist: this week will present his concert, titled "Unused" at the BOD of La Castellana, Caracas.

Molina is a member of C4Trío, and as his two other soloists, Jorge Glem and Edward Ramírez, have also undertaken solo races, as this musician also decided to travel those courses and test his talent, not only as the excellent cuatrista that is , But also as guitarist and composer.

"I think it's time to take up the solo career," Molina says, "given the circumstances. I had always felt that ability, and it seems cool to play alone. My colleagues support and encourage me, we have always been very respectful and in solidarity with our decisions.

He adds that the fact that each one does his own does not imply that C4Trio disappears. Unlike. In the remainder of 2017, the group will tour internationally and will release their next album.

As for the themes of his own crop that he is promoting is "Pa'mis compais", "La casita amarilla" and "Canción para dormir a Andrés" (dedicated to his son). Similarly, Héctor Molina explains that one of the genres of music with which he most identifies is the New Wave, and there goes the shots of his own style and aesthetics, without neglecting the other genres with which he has made himself known .
