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Every Sound Has Its Anniversary

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Soundtracks of movies have the ability to summarize thoughts and emotions in a song. Star Wars is one of those cult films (traditional) that became a Pop star, an entire industry based on that world and other planets through the galaxies. Thus, there are not only generations and a whole movement around all parts of that film but one day a year to celebrate, every May 4th.

In which it is commemorated as an official day. Not only are movies enough, but also action figures. It is enough that its sound is heard for a few seconds, and for its followers to remember and live every second as part of the memories of their favorite saga, despite the time is still in force, both what it represents and its sounds.

At the beginning the film makes an appearance with a black background and the beginning of an adventure through the stars. Certainly the sounds are an instant memory of a moment, of such form not only the film is celebrated but one of its elements reminders; His soundtrack

In the background, a tribute made some time precisely to commemorate the Day of Star Wars, by the Venezuelan group Retrovisor, who casually celebrates its anniversary of having released this version.

In the end they merge this "tribute" with the theme of one of the songs that make up their first album ¡Que buena Vaina !, the theme of the song is called "Viaje Pal Sol".
