Backstreet Boys
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They say that artists are not afraid. When a singer can interpret a song that reflects the deepest feelings and other people have "special status" because their voice helps connect your feelings with your thoughts about a situation. Personally, I had always wondered why Pop artists like The BacksStreetBoys, P! Nk or Justin Bieber for example, at concerts often "guindarse" (as we say in Venezuela to stand on ropes) while singing a song about all the crowd.

Certainly the artists are not afraid because they say that, that otherwise people alone could not say, his madness with how music becomes art. For more courage and reaffirm that ability to rise above the crowds reaffirmed to sing on the ropes, is an "elevated physical type" and is not singing with the soul what feels in the body, but to bring the body in an action out of the ordinary.

Courage first, second it is needed; physical training, third, breath work, and rather, is true heroic attitude that the public good estimate. In the case of the Backstreet Boys do some pirouettes in the air, something unique, and these are the elements seeking artists.
