Lorelei Taron
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Lorelei Tarón will not give up… for her beloved Falcao García

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"I will not give" is the album that promotes Argentina Lorelei Tarón singer, who also is the wife of Colombian striker Falcao García.

And in 2014, Falcao suffered a serious injury that prevented him from participating in the World Cup in Brazil that year. For this reason, Lorelei was inspired precisely to tell with his song the way the player did not surrender to this adversity.

The singer herself said the song "I will not surrender" has an underlying story: "There is a story behind, we together with my husband, we wanted to tell the story of his life, and came from a very particular moment of a very difficult time was going when he was injured. "

In this sense, the song "tells the whole story which we live, struggle, effort, perseverance, behind everything that people see my husband in the court."

Falcao had a torn cruciate ligament of the left knee, which occurred in January 2014.
