For the first time, after months of very unfortunate loss of her third daughter, Yomaira Ortiz, Christian woman, wife, Wisin urban artist, he talked about the issue publicly in an interview with the radio station Nueva Vida 97.7fm
Yireh Victoria, who was born with Trisomy 13, died in October 2016.
"Victoria had its name since before being conceived because her father wanted to have another baby and was going to call Victoria. The Yireh was put Jessica, my friend and pastor because I wanted a second name. After this, I had to wait for four months sonograms. Everything was fine. What was the process itself was that it took the sonogram. I was there almost two hours, "Ortiz said in interview for a radio station.
This said the pregnancy went smoothly.
The interview lasted just over an hour where the companion of Puerto Rican artist explains this whole experience; Account as was the process of diagnosing the disease from her daughter, and as God's side spent in this hard process.
Interview below: