Gustavo Elis
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"They're boyfriends" "They're boyfriends" "Boyfriends Son" "Son Boyfriends"

In the most normal childhood bullying it happens when two children will begin to say those words.

It is uncomfortable, you probably do not know that means, but it is unpleasant, even when they do not like.

Growing up, long after adolescence, when people see a man and a woman spending a lot of time together, want to know or say there beyond a friendship.

When you are learning not mean anything, because neither they imagine it happens.

So much comes this Musical Romance and Corina actors and Gustavo.

After a success with his song Escape, should be at the height of success, it is worth noting that the song began with rumors of their relationship.

Beyond advertising and natural material that this relationship gave rise, this issue recoje what everyone wanted to see and know.

Many were asked, many already knew, and made that clear.

For a first time to hear that are "Boyfriends" is obvious, simple letter, something sticky and use right about his relationship to impular the song by itself, as a kind of "surefire".

It was not a riegsosa song, but no doubt that stays for a few seconds in the mind and it is advisable to listen but're a Grinch of love.

Personally, I prefer the theme "Escape", because it refers to how it feels to be in love after difficult times.

It could be because you're used to "happily ever after".

The other, we do not know.

But without doubt, a "safe play" romanticism, yes, they know their audience and what they want to hear.

Well, there you have the answer to everything they wanted to know "are boyfriends" and so called his song "Boyfriends.

You can listen to the previous Single Corina "Now or Never" an issue that refers to the moment when you ask a person who we are, it is like an ultimatum, musically speaking their songs seem a sequence of stories worth hearing, from that point of view, it works, and very well; "Boyfriends" an answer to themselves and others.
