Status Quo
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Status Quo guitarist Rick Parfitt dies in Spain

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Guitarist Rick Parfitt, 68, died Saturday at a hospital in Spain after suffering a serious infection, his family said. The legendary guitarist of the band Status Quo had been admitted to a hospital in Marbella on Thursday complications by a shoulder injury.

"We are truly devastated to announce that Status Quo guitarist Rick Parfitt died," said his family and his agent in a joint statement.

"They died in a hospital in Marbella, Spain for a severe infection that led him to be hospitalized Thursday night, complications resulting from a shoulder injury," they added.

"This tragic news are produced when Rick was preparing to launch a solo career with an album and a planned autobiography 2017 after his departure from Status Quo" they added.

Parfitt leaves four children, and adults Rick Junior and Harry, and Tommy and Lily twins.

In nearly five decades of rock and roll, Status Quo sold over 100 million records.
