The festival of urban music and Hip Hop most important in Chile, God Level Fest, already has its promotional for this year, with the particpación of outstanding Latin American representatives in the same audiovisual. For the year 2017 In addition, as every year, the filamación one or two audiovisual in which all participants to work together to promote the concert is performed.
Some of the names are: Jonas Sanche, Mcklopedia, Rxndee Akozta, Kaiser, Rapper Shool, Dtoke, etc.
Participants. 1. RXNDE Akozta - Official (Cuba) 2. Wild Decibel (Chile) .3.- McKlopedia (Venezuela) 4. lyricists (Chile) 5. Aczino rap (Mexico) 6. JONAS SANCHE (Chile) 7 .- Rapper School Promotion Lunatika (Peru) 8. Kaiser (Chile) 9. Dtoke (Argentina)