Mirella Cesa
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Mirella Cesa continues to captivate Latin America

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It is one of the revelation artists in the music industry and is now closing a great year, is none other than Mirella Cesa. Ecuador received the prestigious award for Best Female Artist of the Year by the program showbiz word of mouth (considered the most important of his country), which is transmitted by TC Television. He also participated in the telethon, Ecuador for life, a program that is carried out year after year and has a joint purpose for all children.

The presentation in Ecuador has been a pretty special moment for the singer. The public did not stop singing each of their best-known songs. Mirella burst onto the stage with the hit "A Kiss" (shared with Sie7e theme) and continuing with "Somos", a song which did wake up the euphoria of those present for their content. Finally, he said goodbye to his fans invited to the stage the duo Periko and Jessi Leon, union that captivated everyone.

Recall that Cesa continues to promote "Somos" while working on what will be his next album and will hit record stores next year.

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