James Hetfield
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James Hetfield Says Metallica Won't Wait Too Long To Release Their Next Album

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The American band Metallica just made all his fans delirious and metalhead public with their new album "Hardwired ... to Self Destruit". The disc has good sound and reminiscent in some songs like "Dream No More" their best years as a musician.

The album, which is the first in eight years, was released on November 18 under its own label Blackened Recordings and is composed of 12 songs split into two discs and a deluxe edition, which would be a third album with 14 songs.

However, in an interview he conducted vocalist James Hetfield said that he and the rest of the band did not want to wait long to publish the next album.

"We booked the tour for two years at least, so I can not predict the future but we have started and we hope to give more than that. I would like to make new music at least up to eight years, "said vocalist at an average Italian media.

For now the date that the next album will be released is unknown, but that does not matter, what good is it released a great album and that takes time to listen.
