Ricardo Montaner
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Singing in English continues to be an obstacle for Ricardo Montaner.

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There is only one obstacle that Ricardo Montaner has not been able to overcome in its nearly four decades of experience: sing his songs in English. And as is so convinced that you can not do naturally, he has not even tried. "I would have loved to sing in English. The obstacle I've had is the pronunciation, "said the Venezuelan artist born in Argentina in a recent interview with The Associated Press in Miami, where he lives. "But not dedicated myself to sing in English, so no regrets frustration," he said by way of consolation and resignation. For him, the best recipe is displayed as it is, both in their personal life and in his career, and claim their music love. It's a recipe that has certainly given off: after more than twenty albums that have exceeded 25 million copies sold worldwide, the Latin Recording Academy will honor him in the coming days with the Award Musical excellence, one of the most important Latin artist can receive.

"I do not know how much better or not. What I do know is that I have a personal way of doing and saying things when I write or when I sing, "said the singer of hits like" So in love "," I will miss "and" La Cima del Cielo " which he has accumulated dozens of gold records and platinum. "Maybe what I do is not the best, but what I do know is that they show me as I am, that I feel such things" .Junto with the Spanish vocal group The Consortium, the Mexican singer Eugenia Leon, Puerto Rican diva Ednita Nazario and Argentine singer Piero, Montaner will be honored at a private gala on 16 November with a recognition of his musical career as part of the festivities of the 17th annual Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas. "Has the prize of getting couples fall in love, forming families and he is the living example of leadership, hard work, professionalism and strong family ties," said the Academy in announcing the award Montaner. "He's had a brilliant career," he said the composed of artists, musicians, songwriters, producers and technical and creative professionals in the music industry organization.

The artist says that his days flow naturally without intending to win prizes, and when the awards come are enjoying a surprise. He is aware that his charisma has given a touch of personality to your career and your life. Comes out naturally, he says. Montaner, who is kept informed daily news of his adopted Venezuela, launched in August the video of his song "Though now you're with him," whose story takes place in a poor neighborhood with protests from the current Venezuela as background. The clip, which begins with the text "1999 ... Nobody imagined that the worst was yet to come ... This story is one of many that occur daily in the richest country in South America", has nearly 6.8 million views. Love couples and make them stick together is one of the characteristics of his music, and know that they get their songs makes him happy. "I feel like every day vindicate love and reconciliation and meeting people is a wonderful thing," he said. "That's why I feel so proud, so happy. ... I enjoy vindicating love every day, that makes me very happy, "said the singer, who just released the album" Return ", a tribute to Mexico.

Montaner remembers how difficult it was the beginning of his career, when to be known was presented at night singing in bars, with the illusion that some personality industry saw it and propose a contract or recording a disc that pave the way to success. Today, with nostalgia and the experience of decades, he thinks it would no longer like that. "Maybe it would rectify certain roads to reach the goal," he admitted. "Maybe I would have burned less tabs singing in less bars in less nightlife at the beginning of my career," he remembered who lived contramano sleeping during the day and singing at night. His greatest sacrifice was being away from his family in his many trips and tours. "It makes you want to let go of the people you love, and every time it costs more work too. It has been the hardest fought pitfall: I want to be with my family, but I have to go. "
