The Smiths
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The Smiths came close to regrouping in 2008

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Which it had been the dream of thousands of fans of alternative rock was one step met in 2008 when the British band The Smiths was about to regroup. This was stated guitarist Johnny Marr, founding member of the band along with singer Morrissey.

This information was published by Marr in his book Boy Set the Free, where it has details on some moments of his life, including that facet which he described as a "rare period of dialogue."

A fragment of the book was shared by the diaro The Guardian. There, it is revealed that this stage of rapprochement began when he was with Morrisey "remastering" in the study of the catalog of the band. Although the meeting took place ten years after the last time we talked, he describes it as a happy time. "We caught up on personal matters, on families and remember some old times," said Marr, who said they were in a pub in Manchester where they discussed various issues, including the possible return.

"Suddenly, we spoke of this possibility and at that time felt that, with the right intention, it could have happened and could have been great," he says. However, the text tells us that the conversation took complicated turns, which prevented the idea took shape.

"Things went on as before and as I think it will always be. Between us there is still an air of distrust and disaffection. It's a shame," laments Marr.

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