Niña Pastori
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Two decades of career celebrates Niña Pastori

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Twenty-year career is celebrating the Spanish flamenco singer Niña Pastori.

At the moment, the artist is presenting the themes of his latest production, entitled "Love me as I am".

Niña Pastori to the castizo -bautizada name of Maria Rosa Garcia keeps his energies intact, since recording his first album, "Between two ports".

However, the girl thinks nothing better than giving each activity its particular moment: "There are artists who love to be artists, all the time, to me it seems exhausting," admits the singer, who adds that "it is very nice to eat a tangerine on a bench sitting at your leisure, without having anyone or having to be fixed or made up, in comfortable clothes washed and face, "he said recently.

Worth noting that this musician is nominated for the Latin Grammy with "Between two ports".
