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Rock made in Atotonilco

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DTW is a band of Atotonilco el Alto and shaped by Naomi Emmanuel and Rodrigo, which seeks to cool the tapatía scene with a young and honest proposal.

Taking a '' Falling '' as debut song of what will be his first production -a officially launched in late 2016 is as DTW begins to settle in the city forums driven by the dream of becoming one of the groups most representative independent industry in the country.

'' As children we loved musician, were following all the great bands on television, in all media, we wanted to try to imitate to become something. This happened time and this continues to draw attention to us, put more formality to DTW and start playing our style. ''

The project that has little more than a year in a formal way about the industry, explains the singer to point out that the honesty of DTW is one of the main reasons so the public should give them a chance.

'' There are many proposals but each limp in some sense, we like to work in earnest scoring letters and content that are a little wise, it is not just idle talk, they can give back to others, go filling the spaces with instruments also contribute, they see that we are creative, that people give credibility to the project '', says Rodrigo.

Shored up on the idea of ​​entering into the paths of alternative rock vocalist says mergers touches of pop and other rhythms that later will be reflected on their first album will also be taken.
