Juan Gabriel
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The great goodbye to Juan Gabriel.

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This news shocked the world so sudden departure of one of the largest in the world of the music industry. This week has been full of great information about the artist's life, which were the beginning and what he lived during his youth which was very hard but with effort and perseverance was managing to reach everything that was proposed.

This week came to light that the artist will not practice any autopsy because as already suffered several diseases like diabetes, pneumonia and hypertension, pictures that may have accelerated his death. The Divo of Juarez died at eleven thirty by a heart attack in Los Angeles, two people of their confidence found him in the bathroom and tried to resuscitate him while the ambulance arrived but it was a failed attempt

In the city of Mexico on Monday it will make a great tribute at the Palace of Fine Arts where they can go all fans to give the last farewell to the ashes of Divo of Juarez. You will be given posthumously the medal of artistic merit and your home will become a museum in his name.

No doubt this great artist always knew what his way in the world of music and died doing what he liked because it was in the middle of the tour "MeXXIco is all" in the United States, which began in Las Vegas August 19, 2016. on August 27 evening gave his last concert at the Forum recital in which used a stage with 360 degree view. In his speech he stressed the singer Rocio Durcal, and closed with a message on the screens, "Congratulations to all the people who are proud of being what they are."

This artist with his humility, his kindness and simplicity always be remembered and through his lyrics and songs live present.

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