Sandy & Papo
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See you, Ramon!

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In Latin American culture, and in Venezuela, the absence of music is a sign of respect to the loss of a loved one.

We've all lost someone because of a lethal event. A person who meant something in our lives, and still means something important, therefore, that hurts, because it feels like it is a part of us that goes with it. That's why we cry because we know that part that was within our being was only possible with that person, and it hurts even more when we realize that part, will not return.

Do not bury a "dead", says goodbye to a part of our life; things that were lived, years of stories, feelings, things that were not done or things left unsaid.

What happened was perfect, because that is why you hurt so strange and memories with that person. After the duel, the time stored in memory will no longer hurt. You begin to laugh whenever leaving afloat those things that made you were at his side.

During the duel, the music feels pain even a song of happiness. When you are sad and you hear a happy song it is not only pain, but an offense for you, for what you feel.

Listen to a song of any type and especially happy at a time of grief is like write your name with another letter at the beginning, and your own name lost all sense, able to pronounce it sounds good, but not good enough in that moment. Meanwhile a song of sadness, which is not so different because it does not make a change in our humor, but according to what we feel and think.

When we recognize what we feel we allow the feeling of pain pass and we understand that; the existence of mankind is limited; at some point age, illness, old age or a lethal event, finished with her.

But something that has the music is that it can make people endure as the wine over time, the humnidad remain as long.

He and all those who knew and are no longer in our life, will live not only in memory, but a song that makes you remember that there still exists and will exist.

This song is a subject of Sandy, vocalist with his friend Papo formed the duo "Sandy & Papo".

They stand out songs like "Huelepega" or "Time to Dance" in the most popular songs of the group.

There are now several groups, bands perform songs about losing a loved one, famous internationally as "I'll Be Missing You" by Puff Daddy, and nationally the theme "When a friend goes" Kiara.

According to what you feel the letter will say what he thinks and sound will do its part.

Everyone will touch us, and now we say "See you, Ramon!"
