Gustavo Cordera
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Gustavo Cordera, between controversy and misfortune

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"How exciting that you / You should know / That tail is the most sought / apple And those breasts the food of my creation (...)" So begins one of the most popular and until now quotes, romantic songs performed by Gustavo Cordera, singer and songwriter of Argentine rock, never to be heard can return the same way.

It is no secret that Cordera has established itself as a musical icon and cultural reference both the Argentina nation as much of the Southern Cone countries and Latin America in general. His lyrics, largely directed to love and heartbreak, have been sung so loudly by countless followers and fans, but especially by a large female audience.

However, there is always room for disappointment.. "There are women who need, because they are hysterical, be raped, because psychologically need and because they blame and do not want to have sex freely want to play that I do not like to play that, but there are people who yes. We are very complex human beings. "This would be part of the regrettable and unfortunate statement that the singer of 54 years old would issue in a talk with students of journalism at TEA school Art Buenos Aires, not knowing that the audio was being recorded.

Gustavo Cordera in the talk where he gave some outrageous statements photo: Archive

It goes without saying that was immediately condemning these statements. They repudiation through social networks and media, canceling shows scheduled and starting a court case against him for "apology for crime", "incitement to crime" and "incitement to collective violence" are some of the consequences that the former leader of the band Bersuit Vergarabat has had to face in recent days.

However, after unleashing it would perhaps his most scandalous controversy, Gustavo Cordera decided to make public a letter in which he says repent for having offended "the universe of women, which is the least wanted to do." In such statements , he went to Argentina community to apologize and to inform the suspension of its closest presentations.

The full letter below:


A week after the big bang I feel that was the scene of a war that does not belong to me, just at the exact moment he had decided to stop fighting. That is most telling of this story for me. Wanting to stop fighting, I was the battlefield of a war of enormous significance. And I wanted to stop fighting because I no longer believe in punishment, I believe in forgiveness, I believe in acceptance. In a meeting with myself had discovered he did not need to fight anymore, just accept. Had decided not to punish more and not punish, not prosecute me more and not to prosecute, but life had a surprise for me: perhaps still needed to heal many years that yes I chastised and punished, I prosecuted and prosecuted and also fought everything I thought I was doing wrong. I betrayed my person who repudiates all kinds of rape and offended the universe of women, which is the least wanted to do. And to top it off, after seeing what had caused, I went to defend myself awkwardly like a boxer pulling punches as erratic falls after a knockout inevitable. And although I always took my mistakes as a light communication with God, this time I transgressed a limit for which I am deeply sorry. With this episode I learned that words are condemned the facts, seeing that without having raped anyone nor abused anyone, I had a tougher than a rapist or abuser social condemnation. I saw how you condemning it says, the showing. My stupidity, my mistake, my rudeness, my representation was in the hands of my provocative character that triggered something that was saved many people. And soon he was. That helped me to see me and know that speaking, does not identify me at all. I want happiness for people, not suffering. This week I read and heard much of what is said about the episode. And I realized that I was not attacking me, they were attacking what I said. And I'm not the message. I am a channel, like all artists in the world. We pay for being channels. I do not identify with what I say, just say it . And soon change to see the world from a new place. I contradict myself, I am wrong and that instability is dangerous. The artist and provocateur confused with what I said in that speech hurts, in times where there is so much sensitivity to the topic violation. I'm a smart guy, but my mind could not handle what happens when I open the channel. My intelligence is not when unexpectedly. My intelligence could not stop my channel expression and that is my conviction. That's why I become responsible for being an artist who could not see where he was, this delicate subject deserved to be treated in an academic field and I did an exercise with entertainment journalism students. I did not know communicate. Why should you understand ?. What I want people to know is that with an emotional charge combustion that makes me weak in the eyes of others and easily condemnable. But the conviction was brutal. Few care to artists, we use them , live them, enjoy their work, but when they are wrong not have mercy on their errors and mistakes by stronger than they are. I have spent almost 30 years of music and art given the world. Every pebble of this universe that I built with love cost me sweat and tears. Everyone who makes a career with a band knows what that is. And now I find myself alone with this machine seeing what is left after this big bomb. In this battlefield, which was now lying dead for me, but all eventually repaired. Although to be repaired it is necessary to open the eyes of consciousness. What gives me most pain are the hopes and dreams of so many loved ones fading in my hands. That gave me an inevitable pain because this time I had to dramatize home the history of mankind and that was very overwhelming, but also very nutritious, because we could see a Dantesque scene where we were all naked. And I say all, the courage to express their ideas and others who kicked the head of someone who is helpless on the ground. But it is clear, with absolutely my responsibility. Sometimes artists show things that society does not want to see why punish them . And to heal only helps me move this brutal pain. I do not condemn serves or victimizarme, or explain, or justify an answer. And forgiveness is the only thing that can heal me and I think to everyone. So what do we have left? Stop the march and take away for a long time, suspend our concerts -including the Grand Rex, because I would not contribute to more suffering. Fight anyone else in my name. And those who want to find me , look me in the songs, there's my heart. WOMEN, putting myself in their shoes back to ask forgiveness from my real being male.

"Each strike gives the final

of what until now was stable and normal.

To call attention

He gives life an iridescent firing pin.

I feel that you get wrong

Your pain is my pain

if something hurts, it hurts everyone,

but deny human

if something has to change

all close our eyes.

And through fear, it is freedom ... "
