For the first time the world's most famous family, the Simpsons, issued a special episode of one hour where rap is the focus of the new adventure of universe yellow family.
The episode is titled "The Great Phatsby" inspired by the famous novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby". The plot revolves around a plan of revenge that Mr. Burns draw against a charismatic entrepreneur rap which will be called Jay G, in a clear allusion to New York rapper Jay Z.
Mr. Burns and '' Jay G '' will maintain a great friendship is destroyed unexpectedly and Mr. Burns begins a plan to take revenge on the rap mogul, for it will resort to Homer and Bart.
The chapter is scheduled to be issued in January 2017.
This is not the first allusion to rap, or the first chapter on gender, as has occurred with appearances of the group Cypress Hill or in the 16 season when the chapter "Pranksta Rap" where he played a cameo 50 Cent was issued in the Bart secretly went to a concert by rapper Alcatraaaz that killed Bart climbing onto the stage to make a freestlye, the style of the movie 8 mile eminem.