La Ley
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The Law announces their separation

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"After several discussions and months of touring, today the last chapter of a book called The Law is closed". With that message, Chilean singer Beto Cuevas announced through his Facebook account the final dissolution of the group La Ley.

Founded in 1987, this Spanish rock band was deserving of Grammy Award, and author of recognized subjects like Lie, Beside me or Mourning. "Some of you may wonder why. I can only tell you that life takes many turns and one day and brought us today separates us," said the singer.

The members of the law and had separated in a first time, but in 2014 returned to the stage after nine years of absence to release an album and a tour of Latin America.

"For now and as always, continue composing, singing and creating for you. See you soon," said Cuevas, in a message that also thanked the affection and respect they received from their fans during their careers.

The separation already avisoraba after the cancellation of a series of concerts planned for July course in Peru, United States and Colombia, although the absence was justified by producers for alleged discomfort in the singer's voice.
