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What does public transport sound like in Caracas?

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Vallenato, reggaeton, but is mostly salsa and merengue, Latin sounds, including Christian music, or music Ballads 80 and 90, those with less relevance compared to Latin sound.

For those who prefer Rock or Pop as favorite sound (like me), Latin sounds gain more attention in meetings, celebrations or any other occasion, share with friends, for example.

Personally, I'll accept gradually, Latin rhythms are themselves a sound that is in our nature, we will not put resistance due beyond, because it's something tastes and moments.

For the sauce, I always heard and preferred is those moments, parties or groups, but in the case of trucks, you can not lose it, (also not both) .The case is you have to hear what place the driver of the bus.

This song "Self" originally heard on several occasions, in public transport, but only when I felt and was willing to esuchar the lyrics of the song, when I touched the emotional chord, I connected with the song, heard and understood many things. A neighbor put blaring, while cooking, and the letter caught me, was not sound, it was time.

"Self" song originally known as the voice of Tony Vega, talks about life, about choosing and the ability we have to decide, in the end, like it or not sound, your letter contains a truth that caught me and changed a vision of my life, that's music, and that is its magic.

If you ask me what public transport in Caracas sounds and it sounds to life, only the magic of music that says "Here I am, listening is with you."
