Ricardo Montaner
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Montaner wrote to Messi

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After losing the final of the Copa America, and seeing themselves surrounded by excessive external pressure, the best player in the world Lionel Messi he left his selection and shocked the world. His resignation left everyone amazed and passed the news, including cultural boundaries.

Since then, a campaign was deployed to ask Messi to stay in their selection. The #NoTeVayasLio was in the papers, statements by celebrities and even on billboards at airports.

Joined this media spiral, Ricardo Montaner recognized interpreter gave him a heartfelt letter to Argentine soccer player. Montaner, who is recognized as Venezuela despite being born in Argentina, used his status pop figure and wrote on his Facebook asking because Messi not go. Here the letter:

"Dear Lio Messi: with all due respect to you and your lovely family ...
Renouncing, can never be an option, not when this is a race that we undertook together, realize that you are a link in the chain, one very important, but the gear is that the union of lots of little parts that make walking the Argentine train immense dreams. Giving up is the only thing that all your faithful followers do not you want to leave, not only for what you need, but by how much we have been faithful to you ... we still owe many joys Lio and we loved you.
Yesterday we saw you crying, but do not think you were the only one ... Yesterday cried until Pope ... literally ...!
Dale Lio, get up out of that bed of spite, take a few days, you all deserve, talk to your wife, look at your child and ask yourself what are you going to respond when you put between a rock and a hard place with those typical children 's questions : dad is true that once you left and gave up ... it tells you a parent who has 5 children ...
Take a vacation, but returns for the next World Cup qualifier, we need to continue dreaming ... Forgive fans because sometimes we ask things like if you were really a god ...
Not for one minute you think this dream and this frustration are yours alone ...
We love Lio, here again we are all waiting ...
Meanwhile, I bless you in the name of Jesus ...
Ricardo Montaner "

Hopefully words to change your mind Montaner Messi.
