Every time we talk about reggae in Spanish, undoubtedly the greatest of Puerto Rico, Culture Prophetic is always present, one of the groups most influential international reggae in Spanish, both for its deep lyrics and good pace It characterizes them since they made their debut in 1996. Very known also by their respective tributes to the king of reggae Bob Marley.
Puerto Ricans have five musical productions: Song Alert (1998), New Ideas (1999), Journal (2002), MOTA (2005) and the best known, titled Tenderness (2010), thus being one of the bands of reggae more active today, and without fear of expressing skin deep ... the band released mainly in his native island with the most famous single from her first album, which is about the legalization of marijuana and conservation nature titled "Fruit of the earth" and then thus promoting the issue at international level having a major impact and giving rise to the band. Currently still sounds hard on the issue, as successful songs like "Wait, Illegal, Saca turns and surprises, Lower stress, etc."
On June 22 in the channel YouTube, the band released a new video for their theme entitled "Le da igual", that undoubtedly clearly reflects the situation that is happening to many countries throughout the Americas as Venezuela , Puerto Rico, among others, demonstrating good music, difficult political times we live in today, brute repression, economy, censorship of the media, etc; the audiovisual material has had great impact and already has over 150,000 views on the YouTube platform, also opened a great debate of ideas regarding the situation of the countries in the comment box video clip highlighting so are not times easy which we live, but hope that everything will get better is not lost.
Below I leave the new video "I do not care , " I hope you like.