La Inedita
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The Peruvian and seasoned cumbia of La Inédita

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Talk of Peru takes us back to the chicha, lomo saltado or fries huancaína, an extraordinary meal that stands out in the world. Musically speaking The Untold begins to show the cultural values ​​of their country.

Since their debut album Chichamuffin (2012), Lima residents have embarked on a sort of growing international success.

Peruvian cumbia reggae, ragamuffin, hip hop and much Jamaican sound. Americans give him the nickname of Peru meets Jamaica.

Since early June began a tour of the United States that began in Boston and will end in mid-July in New York. At least about 25 stops including his American journey.

Vocalist Adrian Rocha makes a space in New Mexico to talk with Kurrent Music, while rolling with the band.

It is an extensive tour that US armed at this time ...

- We were presented the opportunity to play in all these places and decided to do it because we had to seize the opportunity. We are fortunate that the music we make is welcome everywhere.

- Countries like Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru have trouble permeate all that is the music industry in Latin America. The strong are Mexican and Argentine capable Chile and Colombia bands now have taken center stage How do you see this great achievement have just released their debut album Chichamuffin?

- It may be because we played a traditional Peruvian cumbia with some ragga, Jamaican rhythms, etc. On one hand I think the cumbia unites all Latin America, say each with its particularity of each country, but still, is recognizable by any Latin American and simultaneously reggae is a fairly overall pace, quite accepted by young people. I think that's the situation that happens to us.

- Similar to what El Gran Silencio lived at the time with its northern cumbia, one of the relevant bands that also mixed reggae How are you feel like cumbia and reggae?

- Musically they handle a similar cadence and is very easy to astonish.

- Reggae is like an underworld in the region, a great community, without being mainstream Do you feel part of this new generation of worship?

- Right now we are not mainstream, we are very underground. While we are in Lima at the top and are headlining festivals all moved there, we are not in the mainstream media. There are specialized media interviewed us but we sound on the radio.

- Almost four years ago that they launched Chichamuffin Are already preparing second album?

- We have done well with this album and we took it since we have not stopped playing, weekend after weekend, traveling. That has slowed us down a little production for the second disk. We already have songs to work them, we have been producing. Let's finish this tour to get to Lima and get to work on the album to come out this year.

- Las Angeles and Miami are two important cities for Latin American artists, are full of Latino immigrants but are very different cultures How do you perceive in the case of The Untold?

- The last time we walked from Texas to the East Coast, we were in Washington, New York and Florida, say that most acceptance was in New York. We did eight concerts followed from Sunday to Sunday. I think the places we have been, that move underground fusion of cumbia concentrated. In Miami, in fact, there are great places to play but I think everything is more towards reggaeton. This new tour in Arizona, California, I do not know, let's just be there.

- On a personal level you feel any aversion to reggaeton?

- Not at all. I love to dance. I like music. I commented what level of Miami. We believe there is gender bad, there are good, interesting things. It is a matter of taste. We are a fusion band music, not close to anything, nor discriminate anything.

- What then US continues to level shows?

- We are preparing a regional tour by Chile, Colombia and Mexico. Of course return to the United States.

- Who do you think will be the new leaders of the Latin American sound?

- In Colombia Bomba Estéreo, ChocQuibTown in Venezuela Los Amigos Invisibles in Chile is producing great bands and Peru have Dengue Dengue Dengue to, The New Invasion, Barrio Calavera, also bands that are touring the world.

- The sauce lost touch with popular culture, the message offered Do you think give importance to this topic in his songs feel, neighborhoods?

- In fact we have a song called "the neighborhood pa the scene." We all come from neighborhoods of the city of Lima and in my case, as a vocalist and songwriter, use a fairly limeño language of the street, just to rescue the Peruvian identity.

- They seem to have some apology for marijuana in his songs do you feel like that ?

- In general, the band, we do use marijuana but really are pro freedoms of individuals to choose what is what they can and can not do. We do not really advocating marijuana, not literally.

- At the moment what unites Latin America is the corrupt political society Does Inédita bet that criticism as part of their songs?

- It would be like cover the sun with a finger, do not realize the problems of Latin America, each lives it from their point of view. Peru recently has had a long-corruption theme, there were some specific years with Fujimori, big and brash. In our album Chichamuffin really no issue to the political class directly, I think that this implied. We did not want to wear us a lot with that. Recently we took an issue during elections called " a long Roche (otorongos)" which says that we are not left nor right, we are sick of the political thing.
