NK Prophet, named Leonardo José Viloria Mora (Caracas, February 2, 1983), is an exponent of rap, which stands out for its contributions to society and civil rights all conjugate as always in the characteristic style of the genre.
Together with his brother Andrew Viloria Manifest, his cousin Julio Garcia Js 7 Vidas and his wife Delfina Moreno among others make up the Underc Family group. Nk Prophet and grouping are the interpreters with more videos in hip hop Venezuela and more videos are in South America, as they began to make an amateur way and have since gradually improved to the professional quality that have their audiovisual in present.
A clear and the latest example is '' Checkmate '' The fifth theme of Nostalgia, last album released by '' NK '' on the occasion accompanied by ZPU, Spanish artist of great experience in the Iberian country.
The direction & editing are César Luis Digital Films, mixing Miguel H. Peña (Atlanta) and production work Instrumental & Master Jairo always consistent "MCTEMATICO" Peñaranda.
Enjoy the video '' Checkmate '' below: