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The Unexpected Made Song

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Someone as smooth as the breeze. A person who comes and goes, you can not touch or you can have. When you know that you can not grasp the air, music that feeling is worn with a subtle melody and a letter describing what you feel and think.

Thus came this song, like air, nothing, it helps you understand everything.

He had heard several times, first when I had the opportunity to know the music of the Venezuelan band, Versed, in a presentation at La Quinta Music Bar, several months ago. And when one likes a song or a band, the first thing you do is look at Youtube, then their social and ready networks include it in the Playlist.

Automatically the band and the song are part of the Personal Soundtrack.

Definitely a soft melody with a musical argument, which at first did not believe it was the romantic type, but rather, a sense of absence and bewilderment at the swing of life, the unknown and the unexpected, all in one song.

I had always wondered why they called this song Aire. I thought phonetically, rhyme or cliché, I thought the air as such was not so important, because it is not touched, but feels, and what he feels, is what that stays in the memory, sometimes with less or more important.

Precisely the air, like love or God, you can not see as a "whole" and sometimes doubt their existence, but you feel it. So you put name, you associate a face, moments and all that what you produce.

Thus nothing comes to cover everything, so it makes you feel and the importance you give, or know it is strong because it has your full attention.

About the feeling of the song; know that throughout life, everything can become nothing, just as it came. That is the hope for the unexpected.

The sound is soft, simple letter, but the message arrives.

If you want, try to rename the Air for whom you produce that feeling, and make the song part of your personal soundtrack.

About the band and its sound; one sabrocito to bring calm day, but with rock energy.

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Versed goes with everything.

Versed is one of the many emerging bands of the Venezuelan rock, formed by Samuel Sanchez (guitar) and Omar Oses (Bass), this duo has had a…

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